Unsere Autoren

Rudi de Louw

Rudi de Louw

Rudi de Louw is an SAP HANA architect for SAP in South Africa, as well as an international speaker and trainer, principal consultant, and mentor. He has been working with SAP HANA for more than 5 years, and is the SAP HANA and big data market unit champion. He helped to set up several SAP HANA certification exams and is also the content owner for the SAP HANA professional certifi-cation examination. Rudi has provided software and technology solutions to businesses for more than 25 years, and has been with SAP since 1999. He has a passion for sharing knowledge, understanding new technologies, and finding innovative ways to leverage these to help people in their development.

Aktuelle Titel

  • Cover von SAP HANA 2.0 Certification Guide: Application Associate Exam

    SAP HANA 2.0 Certification Guide: Application Associate Exam

    von Rudi de Louw

    635 Seiten, broschiert
    E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online

    € 79,95

    Sofort lieferbar

    Buch | E-Book

    • Learn about the SAP HANA certification test structure and how to prepare
    • Review the key topics covered in each portion of the exam
    • Test your knowledge with practice questions and answers