Unsere Autoren

Swayam Prabha Shankara

Swayam Prabha Shankara

Swayam Prabha Shankara has been a technical consultant for more than 16 years. Over this period, she has worked with different technologies to apply the latest approaches. She has been working with revenue accounting and reporting in the SAP space since 2017, beginning with a project for a major telecommunications customer that had complex issues related to data volume and performance. She has continued working on different revenue accounting and reporting projects, updating her skills for SAP HANA, CDS views, and system design and development.

Aktuelle Titel

  • Cover von Revenue Accounting and Reporting with SAP S/4HANA

    Revenue Accounting and Reporting with SAP S/4HANA

    von Sreten Milosavljević, Swayam Prabha Shankara

    467 Seiten, gebunden
    E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online

    € 99,95

    Sofort lieferbar

    Buch | E-Book

    • Configure SAP S/4HANA for classic and optimized revenue recognition
    • Calculate, post, and report on revenue with step-by-step instructions
    • Enrich your revenue recognition data through BRF+ structures, custom RAIs, and more