Klaus Haeuptle
Klaus Haeuptle is a developer, trainer, and product owner for engineering topics. During his career at SAP, he has worked as a developer on several products based on various technologies. Additionally, he facilitates communities across SAP with the intention of sharing knowledge and improving practices and tools. He has influenced testing improvements for ABAP, SAP HANA, and SAPUI5. Together with Florian Hoffmann, he wrote an internal Clean ABAP guide, which was later published externally as an open-source project and serves as the foundation for this book.
Florian Hoffmann
Florian Hoffmann is a software architect for governance, risk, and compliance applications at SAP. As an agile driver, he is constantly trying to make writing code more efficient. Together with Klaus Haeuptle, he started the Clean ABAP open source style guide that complements this book.
Rodrigo Jordão
Rodrigo Jordão is a development architect at SAP currently working on integrated business planning (IBP) with a focus on SAP Supply Chain Control Tower. He has spent his SAP career working on various SAP products, from industry-specific solutions like SAP Intellectual Property Management to foundational products like sales and distribution. Prior to joining SAP, he worked as a web developer with Perl and Java and as a consultant with Microsoft technologies.
Michel Martin
Michel Martin is a development architect at SAP. He has played various roles during his SAP career, including leading trainings, managing projects, and coaching teams on ASE, lean principles, and scrum. He has a strong technical background and is constantly looking for new ways to improve team efficiency and quality focus, from using technology and tools to adopting lean processes.
Anagha Ravinarayan
Anagha Ravinarayan is a developer at SAP working on SAP S/4HANA Cloud and on-premise applications in capacity planning and demand-driven replenishment product areas using ABAP, SAP HANA, and SAPUI5. She started her career as a full-stack developer of SAP S/4HANA procurement applications. She is also passionate about web development using TypeScript, Node.js, React.js, MySQL, and MongoDB, and is an open-source software enthusiast.
Kai Westerholz
Kai Westerholz is a senior developer working in the SAP S/4HANA quote-to-cash area. In this role, he focuses on creating APIs like the Sales Order Simulation API or the Sales Order Bulk Processing API. Another topic of focus is the enablement of the sales order for machine learning capabilities. In parallel, he establishes clean code and test-driven development in his team. Previously, he worked as a consultant for SAP Cloud for Customer, specializing in integration with both SAP and non-SAP systems using different technology stacks.
Weitere Titel
von Klaus Haeuptle, Florian Hoffmann, Rodrigo Jordão, Michel Martin, Anagha Ravinarayan, Kai Westerholz
398 Seiten, gebunden
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€ 79,90
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