Brian Atkinson
Brian Atkinson has more than 20 years of hands-on SAP experience in multiple technical, functional, and architectural roles. Over the years he has developed expertise in configuration, development, design, implementation, and data migration. He received his MBA in supply chain management from Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Business, and his BBA in finance from the University of Texas, McCombs School of Business.
Brian has been involved in many new SAP implementations and system conversions, using both traditional data migration tools and the new SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit.
Frank Finkbohner
Frank Finkbohner is the SAP product owner for the development of predefined SAP S/4HANA Cloud data migration content for the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit. He has been working for SAP since 1999, 13 years of which was in SAP Consulting, where he supported customers in the development and enhancement of ABAP applications. His main focus was to plan and implement data migrations. In several customer projects, he used the full spectrum of SAP’s data migration tools, methods, and programs, including Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW), batch input, BAPIs, IDocs, and rapid data migration. During his work as a project manager for data transfer projects, he developed a specific method for grouping migration projects into work packages (SEAMAP) and has used this method successfully in customer projects. After his move to SAP development, he was project lead and delivery manager for the rapid data load for SAP Marketing (formerly SAP Hybris Marketing) rapid deployment solution.
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von Frank Finkbohner, Martina Höft, Michael Roth, Jonas Kinold, Wolfgang Kuchelmeister, Lukas Widera
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Plan and execute SAP data migration without programming
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von Frank Finkbohner, Martina Höft, Michael Roth, Jonas Kinold, Wolfgang Kuchelmeister, Lukas Widera
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Migration aus Altsystemen in SAP-Lösungen
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A guide to SAP S/4HANA migration and implementation projects, on-premise and in the cloud
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Greenfield- und Brownfield-Ansatz
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