Im Porträt

Ursula Becker

Ursula Becker

Dr. Ursula Becker has been the development architect responsible for the pricing functionality in SAP ERP since 2009. She studied physics and astronomy at the University of Heidelberg and joined SAP in 1998, after completing her doctorate and two years of research. In the following years she worked in support before moving on to development—with a focus on pricing, billing ,and rebate processing. She has also worked in the areas of SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and SAP Business ByDesign.

Werner Herhuth

Werner Herhuth

Werner Herhuth is a certified consultant in the area of order fulfillment (in SAP ERP) and the author of several SAP courses. He studied mathematics and business administration with specialization in business informatics at the University of Mannheim. He worked for 13 years as a systems analyst and head of application programming in the engineering industry before joining SAP in 1996.

Manfred Hirn

Manfred Hirn

Manfred Hirn was responsible for the development of the condition technique, as well as the billing and pricing functionalities which he helped program, in SAP R/3. He studied mathematics with a minor in business administration at the University of Würzburg. In his first job at a brewery, he was involved in the development and introduction of an order and trip management system. In 1984, he joined the SAP development team and supervised the SAP R/2 billing program. Later he worked as a development manager in the areas of sales, pricing, and billing.

Weitere Titel von Ursula Becker, Werner Herhuth und Manfred Hirn

  • Cover von Preisfindung und Konditionstechnik mit SAP

    Preisfindung und Konditionstechnik mit SAP

    von Ursula Becker, Jan Fischer, Werner Herhuth, Manfred Hirn

    688 Seiten, gebunden
    E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online

    € 89,90

    Sofort lieferbar

    Buch | E-Book | Bundle

    • Elemente und Stammdaten der Konditionstechnik
    • Konditionssätze und -arten, Kundenauftrag, Gruppenkonditionen und Bonusabwicklung
    • Ablauflogiken, Bedingungen, Formeln, User-Exits u.v.m.