Im Porträt

Erik Bertram

Erik Bertram

Erik Bertram started his professional career at SAP in 2016, where he worked as a JavaScript developer within the planning area of SAP Analytics Cloud. Today, he leads the Operations and Services team of the SAP Business Technology Platform Experience organization. Before joining SAP, Erik received his PhD in theoretical astrophysics from Heidelberg University. Since 2020, he has been a professor of digital business management at Fresenius University in Heidelberg.

Carl Dannenhauer

Carl  Dannenhauer

Carl Dannenhauer joined SAP in 2020 and is currently a data scientist in the SAP Business Technology Platform design organization. He has spent his professional career fostering data-driven decisions by building advanced dashboards and generating actionable insights by analyzing user feedback. As an SAP Analytics Cloud expert, his focus lies in developing effective and easy-to-use dashboards. Carl has a background in business informatics.

Melanie Holzapfel

Melanie Holzapfel

Melanie Holzapfel is a certified IBCS consultant and works as a data scientist in the SAP Business Technology Platform experience organization at SAP. Since she joined in 2019, she has been responsible for analyzing customer feedback in order to increase adoption and to improve the products. She is an expert in building dashboards that increase efficiency and enable data-driven and confident decision-making. Before her professional career at SAP, she studied physics at the Heidelberg University and at the University of York.

Sandra Loop

Sandra Loop

Sandra Loop joined SAP in 2016 and is a user researcher in the SAP Business Technology Platform design organization. She has been a user experience designer and user researcher for over 25 years. Prior to joining SAP, she was a developer and UX designer for a data visualization company. She was also a product manager, where dashboards were a major component of the product’s user interface. Sandra believes that a good user experience is crucial for product success and that good performance is an important factor of the user experience.

Stephanie Range

Stephanie Range

Stephanie Range joined SAP in 2021 and is currently a data scientist in the SAP Business Technology Platform design organization. Before joining SAP, Stephanie worked as a data scientist in a pharma company, where she developed and automated statistical methods, configured data bases, and validated business processes. Today, her expertise lies in optimizing and building SAP Analytics Cloud dashboards. She holds a master’s degree in physics.

Weitere Titel

  • Cover von Designing Dashboards with SAP Analytics Cloud

    Designing Dashboards with SAP Analytics Cloud

    von Erik Bertram, James Charlton, Nina Hollender, Melanie Holzapfel, Nico Licht, Carmen Paduraru

    344 Seiten, gebunden
    E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online

    € 89,95

    Sofort lieferbar

    Buch | E-Book

    • Learn to design and develop interactive dashboards with SAP Analytics Cloud for consumption and integration
    • Build dashboards with acquired data, live SAP BW data, SAP S/4HANA Cloud data, and more
    • Use R scripts and the analytics designer to create complex dashboards