Im Porträt

Peter Zoellner

Peter Zoellner

Peter Zoellner joined SAP Consulting in 2001 and has worked for both domestic and international customers from numerous industries, specializing in logistics execution and SAP EWM since its first introduction to the market. He holds a degree in economic studies (Diplom Kaufmann) from the Catholic University of Eichstätt, Germany. Peter is married with children, and lives in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin.

Robert Halm

Robert Halm

Robert Halm is the head of Portfolio Management at prismat, where he focuses on mobile applications and SAP HANA solutions, especially for warehouse processes. Prior to this appointment in 2014, he served the company as a senior consultant and a project manager, and has been successfully managing a consulting team since 2011. He has supported companies across numerous industries in the conceptual design, implementation, and optimization of business processes for more than 8 years. His focus: implementation and rollout projects in the field of integrated warehouse and distribution logistics with SAP EWM and workshops on special topics in supply chain management. While collaborating with highly specialized partners from several industries, he continuously drives innovation and go-to-market activities for leading-edge technologies integrated with SAP solutions. Robert also teaches SAP EWM training courses. He studied logistics at TU University in Dortmund, Germany.

Daniela Schapler

Daniela Schapler

Daniela Schapler is a solution architect at SAP SE. She joined SAP SE in 1996 as a developer in the area of logistics execution, following her study of physics at the Universität Tübingen. In her role as a Solution Architect, she was involved in the design of SAP EWM from the very beginning. She was instrumental in the development of handling unit management, and has supervised several customer projects. Since 2010, she has worked as part of the installed maintenance support for SAP EWM.

Karen Schulze

Karen Schulze

Karen Schulze has worked as a developer and consultant in the area of SAP EWM for more than 14 years. She is currently a senior consultant at abat, a company focusing on automotive industries and logistics. After finishing her studies in 1998 with a degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of Kaiserslautern, Karen started her professional career as a developer at SAP SE for warehouse management, joining the EWM development team. Starting in 2006, she worked as a consultant for German and international SAP EWM projects across various industries. She is currently working on SAP EWM projects in automotive and furniture industries, where, together with her abat colleagues, she implements SAP EWM standard processes.

Weitere Titel

  • Cover von EWM mit SAP S/4HANA – Architektur und Programmierung

    EWM mit SAP S/4HANA – Architektur und Programmierung

    von Peter Zoellner, Robert Halm, Daniela Schapler, Karen Schulze

    544 Seiten, gebunden
    E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online

    € 89,90

    Sofort lieferbar

    Buch | E-Book | Bundle

    • Architektur von Embedded und Decentralized EWM
    • Frameworks zur Erweiterungsentwicklung
    • Wichtige Funktionsbausteine und BAdIs