Amy Grubb
Amy Grubb is the CEO and principal at Cloud Consulting Partners, Inc., an SAP SuccessFactors consulting partner and full-service HCM consultancy focused on implementing cloud solutions. She has consulted in the HCM space for more than 18 years, focusing on SAP SuccessFactors for the last 10 years. She is the coauthor of SuccessFactors with SAP ERP HCM: Business Processes and Use, 2nd Edition.
Kim Lessley
Kim Lessley is a director of Solution Management at SAP SuccessFactors and is currently responsible for the SAP SuccessFactors platform topics of Intelligent Services and cloud security. She has been working with SAP and SAP SuccessFactors products since 1990, focused on the human capital management (HCM) space and in particular on Recruiting and Onboarding.
Weitere Titel von Amy Grubb und Kim Lessley
von Amy Grubb, Luke Marson
743 Seiten, gebunden
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Explore key functionality for HR administration, recruiting, onboarding, learning, and more
Prepare for your SAP SuccessFactors implementation project
Preview your integration with SAP ERP HCM and SAP S/4HANA